Technology Quotes to Inspire You Today

Today’s technology is a booming market full of exciting and innovative products and new learning opportunities, so without further ado, enjoy these inspiring technology quotes curated by the Joygeeks review team.

“It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has exceeded our humanity.”

— Albert Einstein

“A lot of companies have chosen to downsize, and maybe that was the right thing for them. We chose a different path. Our belief was that if we kept putting great products in front of customers, they would continue to open their wallets.”

— Steve Jobs, Apple

“I do not fear computers. I fear lack of them.”

— Isaac Asimov

“Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited, whereas imagination embraces the entire world, stimulating progress, giving birth to evolution.”

— Albert Einstein

“We have to stop optimizing for programmers and start optimizing for users.”

— Jeff Atwood

Fun fact: Atwood is a software developer, book author, podcaster and a writer for Coding Horror, a popular blog.

“Never trust a computer you can’t throw out a window.”

— Steve Wozniak

“Everything is designed. Few things are designed well.”

— Brian Reed

Fun fact: Reed is both an American comic book writer and video game writer. Cool jobs! Learn more about Rasmussen University’s degree programs in Technology

“The world won’t care about your self-esteem. The world will expect you to accomplish something BEFORE you feel good about yourself.”

— Bill Gates

“Simplicity is about subtracting the obvious and adding the meaningful.”

— John Maeda, The Laws of Simplicity: Design, Technology, Business, Life

Fun fact: Maeda has his Ph.D. in design and was named one of the 21 most important people in the 21st century by Esquire magazine.

“Here’s to the crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels. The troublemakers. The round pegs in the square holes. The ones who see things differently. They’re not fond of rules. And they have no respect for the status quo. You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them. About the only thing you can’t do is ignore them. Because they change things. They push the human race forward. And while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius. Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do.”

— Apple Inc.

For more great tech reads and podcasts, check out the entire collection at Joygeeks.

4 Best Songs About Technology

You can learn about technology by listening to songs. Music gives listeners a taste of the world of technology. Here are some of the best songs that talk about technology.

Talking Heads’ (Nothing But) Flowers

The lyrics of this song talk about a post-apocalyptic world where modern technology has been eliminated. The song’s protagonist and lead singer, David Byrne, is torn between appreciating nature’s beauty and his dependency on items that have disappeared, such as fast food and lawnmowers.

Kraftwerk – Pocket Calculator

This artist wrote several legendary technology songs, including Computer World, The Robots, and The Man-Machine. In this song, the artist praises this device and how it’s useful in his life.

Algorithm – Muse

An algorithm is a sequence of computer-implementable and well-defined instructions designed to solve different types of problems. The artist sang about his anxieties regarding technology and how algorithm systems render us obsolete in this track. In an interview with Forbes, the artist stated that he was thinking of the emergence of artificial intelligence and how it’s taking away artists’ jobs when writing the song.

Alive – Edge of Paradise

This song talks about how humans are caught up in the current digital world. The artist explains how humans are obsessed with monetary gain and convenience that people are now sacrificing their humanity. People have gotten lost in virtual reality and forgotten what interacting with real humans feels like.

If you are looking for songs that talk about technology, head over to Joygeeks.

Top 4 Most Popular Technology eBooks

Technology eBooks allow you to get a new perspective on emerging technologies. They help you learn about the past, present, and future of technology. Here are some of the technology eBooks that you should put on your read list.

Digital Transformation – Thomas M. Siebel

In this eBook, the author discusses how the convergence of 4 modern information technology vectors is impacting society, government, and businesses. These information technology vectors are the internet of things, artificial intelligence, big data, and elastic cloud computing.

Race After Technology – Ruha Benjamin

Published on June 17, 2019, this eBook cuts through the tech-sector hype to get a clear picture of how emerging technologies may reinforce white supremacy and make social inequity to increase. The book is brilliant and written engagingly. The author guides readers into a fresh territory to ensure they understand and tackle the persistence of racial inequality.

Steven Johnson’s How We Got to Now

In How We Got to Now, Steven explored the history of innovations that have happened over the centuries. He traced facets of modern life – such as eyeglass lenses, clocks, and refrigeration – from their creation by entrepreneurs, amateurs, and hobbyists to their unintended historical consequences.

Alec Ross’ The Industries of the Future

This eBook explores the forces that are going to change the world in big data, coding, digital currency, genetics, and robotics. The book received positive reviews from the Financial Times, the New York Journal of Book, and Forbes.

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Faster 3D Printing May Soon be a Reality

3D printers have been nothing short of revolutionary for the world of rapid prototyping and production of highly specialized parts. With the cost having come down considerably within the last few years, 3D printing has also become the domain of hobbyists and enthusiasts of late. But if there’s one complaint that both consumers and industry would have about the technology, it would be its speed. In fact, while the technique renders 3D objects, 3D printers are really more like 2D printers, with the printer heads slowly building up layers of material while working on horizontal layers. The process can take hours, sometimes even days for particularly large and complex projects, but all this could be about to change thanks to a new technique demonstrated by researchers from Switzerland’s Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL).

The new technique, while similar to existing technology in many respects, incorporates the application of tomographic techniques, the same used in x-rays and ultrasounds, that allows for rotational printing. The EPFL writes, “The system is currently capable of making two-centimeter structures with a precision of 80 micrometers, about the same as the diameter of a strand of hair. But as the team develops new devices, they should be able to build much bigger objects, potentially up to 15 centimeters.” It’s exciting news for the world of 3D printing, and only a matter of time before the technology is refined, improved upon, and becomes available to the consumer market.

Looking for some tech related reads? Visit our online library at Joygeeks for a wide variety of ebooks, audiobooks, music, and more. Accessible anytime, anywhere, from your favorite devices.

Second Screen Syndrome

There’s no denying that smartphones have become a fixture of our daily lives, at least in the developed world, to the point where many of us are faced with the grim reality of being addicted to our devices. And as if that weren’t enough, there’s another phenomenon popping up, “second screen syndrome.”

Mary Meeker, a venture capitalist with Bond Capital, presented some rather interesting findings in a 2019 “Internet Trends” report. According to data from Nielsen, the TV metrics company, 88 percent of Americans “use a second digital device while watching TV.” That’s right, 88 percent of the people watching television have their attention divided, with much of it likely focused on the smaller screen just before their eyes. Exploring the data just a bit further, Nielsen reports that seventy-one percent of Americans “look up content related to content they are watching,” while 41 percent of Americans are busy messaging “friends/family about content they are watching.”

Is this a troubling trend? Perhaps for some. Humans, after all, have a proven track record of not being very good at multitasking. But in an age where our attention is continuously divided, this trend may not come as much of a surprise, especially since most of us are already doing it if the numbers are to be believed. Just one more way in which tech is changing the everyday reality of our lives.

Looking for some tech related reads? Visit our online library at Joygeeks for a wide variety of ebooks, audiobooks, music, and more. Accessible anytime, anywhere, from your favorite devices.

How Technology Is Destroying The Dream of Home Ownership

There’s something special about San Francisco. It’s not the winding and world famous Lombard street, or the picturesque Painted Ladies once featured in the opening sequence of Full House. It’s real estate prices. They’re through the roof. In fact San Francisco is widely considered to be one of the most, if not the most expensive city in North America to live in. And what’s to blame? The very tech that’s designed to make our lives easier.

Don’t want the expensive of owning a car but find taxis to expensive? Uber to the rescue! Looking for an alternative to pricey hotels? There’s always Airbnb. Have an idea to share with the world? You can Tweet it, Pin it, or post it on your timeline. You just can’t buy a house, because all the execs and early employees of our favorite companies went out and bought them all after their companies’ IPOs, driving up the price of San Francisco real estate to record highs.

And don’t go thinking San Francisco is unique. Seattle, Portland, Austin, and a whole host of other cities have seen their housing prices jump once big tech moves in. Yes, we love their services, and many of them either save us money or are free to use, but let’s not forget that there’s a cost to everything, even if it’s not immediately apparent.

Looking for a deep dive into the world of tech? Visit our online library at for a wide variety of ebooks, audiobooks, music, and more. Accessible anytime, anywhere, from your favorite devices.

Time Saving Tech

Modern life can certainly be busy! From the daily rush to everyday errands, we could all use a bit of extra time every now and again. Luckily, technology is on our side and ready to help make every day just a little less hectic so that we can all have time for the things we love. Here are three must-have gadgets for people on the go.

Robotic vacuum cleaners. More often than not cleaning is not something we’d choose to do even when time permits. Robots to the rescue! With a self-guiding robotic vacuum cleaner, the floors will be tidy and spotless with minimal effort.

happy woman and robot vacuum cleaner at home

Automated home devices. These clever little gadgets go far beyond temperature control. The fully automated home can have everything from lights dimmed to doors locked from a distance, saving you the time it takes to double back if you forgot to do something on your way out.

Instant pots and smart pressure cookers. The set it and forget it mentality has been popular for a number of decades now, but newer generations of slow cookers and pressure cookers come with a number of smart functions such as remote setting and notifications, making cooking a breeze and nearly effort free.

Korean spicy sausage stew with vegetables

Yes, it’s certainly an incredible time to be alive, and with further advances coming on a regular basis it’s only going to get better from here.

Looking for more high tech content? Visit our online library at for a wide variety of ebooks, audiobooks, music, and more.

Smart Ovens: The Future of Cooking

There’s no shortage of cool gadgets and new life-altering tech unveiled every year at CES, the annual Consumer Electronics Show focusing on the latest and greatest marvels of technology available to the general public. This year, however, proved particularly joyful for home cooks as Whirpool unveiled their new smart oven and forever changed the future of cooking.

Smart watch control oven

Although not the first smart oven to be made available to consumers, it is definitely geared towards making cooking an easy experience for consumers and its attractive pricing is sure to bring in not just new clientele but a wide range of imitators and competitors. In what is sure to spark a race between manufacturers for the best and most affordable smart ovens, Whirpool may have just opened up the floodgates to a new wave of cooking technology that is bound to change the landscape of cooking forever.

Modern hi-tek kitchen, oven with open door

Much like a smart home, smart ovens provide an easy and intuitive experience that is nearly completely automated. “Set it and forget it” will now have new meaning as smart ovens begin to recognize foods and automatically adjust to appropriate cooking times and temperatures. With a lot of the effort soon to be taken out of home cooking, the advent of these ovens may just spark a revolution in our eating habits as well. The future seems not only interesting, but potentially delicious too!

Looking for more tech-related reads? Visit our online library at for a wide variety of ebooks, audiobooks, music, and more, available any time on your favorite device.


The Technological Advances That Shaped our World

It’s no secret that technology rules much of our modern lives. How many of us would be lost without our smartphones or helpless at home without basics like electricity and running water? But before our modern luxuries, technology played a huge role in shaping our very society. Here are three of the many inventions that forever changed the world and shaped it into the one we live in today.

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The printing press. Just about anything imaginable, any human endeavour you can dream of, requires some form of communication. In 1448 Johann Gutenberg invented the printing press and made mass communication a possibility for the first time. Prior to the invention of the printing press books were hand printed rarity, severely restricting the spread of ideas.

The telegraph. The 1830s and 1840s saw the development of efficient and expedient long distance communication thanks to Samuel Morse and his invention of the telegraph and Morse code. Near instantaneous communication would prove to be a game changer and the basis of all communication to come.

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The internet. While the internet was definitely a collaborative effort, it’s thanks largely to the contributions of Vincent Cerf and Robert Kahn, who invented the TCP/IP protocols adopted by ARPANET in 1983, that we owe the backbone of our modern internet. Used primarily by the US government until its commercialization in the 1990s.

Looking for more deep dives into the world of technology? Visit our online library at for a wide variety of ebooks, audiobooks, music, and more.


Is Tech Taking Away Our Sleep?

It’s hard to walk down the street, sit on a bus, or gab a coffee at a local cafe without noticing something these days; just about everyone has their face buried in a smartphone, tablet, or laptop. Between the rise of social media, non-stop news feeds, games of all types to entertain, and even remote work, it seems most of us are spending much of our days in front of a screen regardless of our occupation. One could consider the effects this increased screen time is having on socialization, but even more significant is the effect our increased screen time is having on our down time. Here are three ways technology is affecting our sleep.

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We’re more alert for longer. It may be tempting to zip through our news feed one last time before bed, but the backlighting of our screens not to mention the increased brain activity is tricking us into thinking we need to be alert right before we go to bed.

Backlighting suppresses melatonin. The blue light being emitted from the screens of our various devices actually inhibits the production of melatonin, one of the hormones that controls our sleep cycle, making it harder to fall asleep and stay asleep.

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Buzzes and beeps reduce good sleep. Not everyone keeps their phone on silent, and throughout the night the various buzzes and beeps emanating from our devices wake us up, even if it’s not to the point of consciousness, and reduce the quality of our sleep.

To find out more ways in which technology affects our daily live, head to for a wide variety of reads and more.